Monday, April 7, 2008

Air Force Cyber Command - AFCYBER

New t-shirt designs for the Air Force Cyber Command

The Air Force has a new command AFCYBER
AFCYBER proposes to be the lead command for:
--network defense;
--warfare support and exploitation;
--computer security issues (information assurance);
--network attack;
--electronic warfare and directed energy;
--Information Operations;
--overall network operations;
--global command and control integration;
--expeditionary (deployable) communications networks such as satellite communications (not to include satellite control or missile warning networks);
--data links;
--electromagnetic spectrum operations;
--data integration, common communication and information functions;
--engineering and installation of communications support; and
--electronic maintenance and evaluations such as satellite communications, weather radar, cryptological, Air Traffic Control and Landing Systems and network infrastructure.

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